Product Description
A Practical Guide to Relational Database DesignFrom Business Analysis, via Data Modelling to Physical Designng to Physical Desig |
ISBN 0952604310 (Diaxon), softback, 202 pages
2005 2nd Edition, Normal Price: £29.90
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The authors are experts in database design and have written this in-depth guide that covers all the key topics that must be considered for even the most apparently simple application. For sound and comprehensive advice on data modelling, how to create a 'logical model' and turning that model into an effective database schema, this book contains the essential information you will need. It is a concise and straightforward practical guide that will take you through the steps from formalising your business requirements through data modelling, converging your entity model and transforming it into a robust and efficient database design.
This authoritative guide is packed with useful information and is to be found on a number of recommended reading lists for data modelling and database design courses. It cuts through jargon and keeps theory down to a minimum. It describes many real-life examples and provides effective solutions to common modelling conundrums. It helps you avoid some of the horrors waiting to ensnare the unwary and inexperienced database designer! A useful source book for both beginners and more experienced designers, this book is suitable for those purely involved with data modelling through to serious database designers.
As you will see, to start with all you will need is common sense, pen and paper - sophisticated CASE design tools are only needed for complex projects.
If this book saves you just a few hours of a typical project's time, its purchase will be justified many times over. Suitable for projects using any of the main database systems including SQL Server, MySQL, MS Access & Oracle.